Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Cyberbullying has been something that people talked to me about my whole life.  When I was in school all the teachers talked about it and every once in a while you'd see a story of someone who committed suicide at least in part because of cyberbullying.  I've never experienced much harassment online, and never from classmates as far as I'm' aware.  It was this strange thing that people talked about in theory but no one mentioned it affecting anyone.  Nothing was considered cyberbullying until it started affecting someone.  I think schools, as they are part of socialization, should be responsible for talking about more than just the victim.  They try to make that hypothetical person matter to you, but a much better message is to pain those contributing in a bad light.  When we talk about physical bullying we punish the bully and pain that behavior in a bad light, cyberbullying often doesn't talk about the face behind the behavior.